Saturday, July 26, 2014

Dani has decided to be a video blogger.

We went school supply shopping today.  Dani picked out a new “Story” notebook and spent most of the trip sitting in the cart drawing “stories” and telling them to me.  On the way home, she had lots of stories inside her that she wanted to tell and she remembered when she once told a story to my computer with her cousin Addy.
When we go home, she “drew” some new songs and wanted to share.
Enjoy.  :)

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


I loved getting mail as a kid.   In our hyper-techie culture, good old fashioned snail mail is often overlooked.  But, even though Dani pretends to send and receive texts and Facebook messages (she even pretend to use SIRI on her play phone...), getting something just for her in the mailbox is still a highlight of her week!  

Thanks to grandma and grandpa, she gets highlights for kids.   Aunt Kendall and Uncle Steve got her the Disney jr. Magazine.  And I was able to get Disney Princesses with a zulily deal.  

Today...she received TWO special magazine in the mail, and boy was she excited!  We had to sit down and read one of them before we even took our coats off. 

I love watching her be so excited about things like reading and doing learning activities. It makes the teacher in me so proud!  

Monday, December 23, 2013

Creative Genius.

All parents say it, but my daughter is a creative genius.  I love that she makes up stories with just about anything she can get her hands on.  I have even seen her use two leaves as props in a play.  One was Jasmine's flying carpet and the other was Jasmine herself.

Her creativity makes me smile.

And… Thanks to technology and some amazing apps, Dani can tell and record her stories, turn them into ibooks, and share them.

Maybe it's the techie in me, but I think that is amazingly cool.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

#momfail: sewing

Dani has this little travel pillow.   We got it as a freebie when we ordered our new sleep number bed.  This little travel pillow has been Dani's favorite for three weeks.

So, today, I planned on making a little pillowcase for her new pillow out of an old dress she grew out of (which is shocking, I know…).  All it needed was a single stitched line.  I can totally handle that.

Guess who wanted to help?  We drug out the sewing machine.  We got out the pins and thread.  We were all set.  Dani was on my lap and she was all set to help me feed the fabric in a single straight line.

Until the sewing machine broke.

Now, I can almost sew a straight line with a sewing machine.  And I can out in a bobbin thread if it is empty, provided that I have one full because I still do not know how to rethread a bobbin spool.  But when my sewing machine starts to suck the fabric down into where the bobbin goes, I am pretty much clueless.

Mom Fail #1:  I can't fix a sewing machine.

No worries.  Thanks to my 7th grade Family Living (AKA Home Ec) class, I can sew a straight line pillowcase by HAND!

Except apparently, I can't.  Dani informed me that I was doing it wrong.

Mom Fail #2:  I can't sew by hand and I have neglected in my duties in teaching my four year old how to sew.

Thankfully, she had already learned.  She explained to me how she learned to sew in the video below.  Please watch.  It is enlightening.

When I have something I am not sure about or want to learn how to do something, I use one of three three things:  Google, Youtube, or SIRI.

Dani's method of learning new things:  1) she watches Mama Bear teach Little Bear and 2) she just knows.

Here is Dani's sewing.  I gave her the needle and thread and let her go…while I stepped back about a foot to maintain my safety and still watch out for blood.

After she declared it finished, she snuck of to watch TV.  Probably checking out Mickey Mouse Club so she can teach me how to fix the sewing machine.

While she was gone, I quickly fixed the pillowcase before she could catch me and presented it to her, proudly calling it the pillow case she made!

I think I made up for my sewing fails.  :)

Every girl needs a super hero pillow.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Knock knock jokes. Not so much.

Dani's new thing is to tell jokes.  Let me share a few.

Dani: Knock Knock
Mama: Who's there?
D: Yogurt
M: Yogurt Who?
D: Box.

And this one -

D: Knock knock
M: Who's there?
D: Tabletop
M: Tabletop who?
D: Kitchen

And they keep coming…

Usually, she tells Daddy the jokes because he ALWAYS pretends to crack up.  I think that is giving her a false confidence in her future as a stand up comedian.  
I tried something new last night from the Love and Logic playbook.  A little natural consequences of telling a bad joke.  I may not win Mother of the Year with this one, but it went something like this:

D: Knock knock
M: Who's there?
D: Coin
M: Coin who?
D: Chair.  (said with an expectant smile)
M: (blank stare)
D: I said Chair, Mama.  You are suppose to laugh.
M: (black stare)
D: Why aren't you laughing Mama.  (looking hurt)
M: I don't get it.
D: It doesn't matter Mama.  If I tell a joke, you have to laugh.  That's the rules.  If you don't laugh, that is being mean.  You don't want to be mean do you?
M: (Blank stare)
D: Let's try again.  Laugh this time…. Knock Knock….

Don't worry.  I eventually caved and chuckled.  I tried to reframe her "joke" so she would see the lack of connection. Like this: D: Knock knock
M: Who's there?
D: Tabletop
M: Tabletop who?
D: Kitchen
M: Haha… I see.. a tabletop in the kitchen… haha.

I don't think the guided practice worked either.

So I tried some "Why did the chicken cross the road?" jokes.  She stole my punchline.

M: Hey Dani, why did the chicken cross the road?
D: Because he needed to build a snowman over there.
M:  (blank stare).
D: Do it again Mama, you're funny.
M:  I got nothing.

My daughter is one amazing little girl, but the subtly of knock knock jokes seems to be going over her head.

Maybe we should invest in some Laffy Taffy.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Frist Video Blog

Dani was busy at work writing stories today.  And then she wanted to record herself reading them to Mimi.  So we made a little video blog.

Enjoy.  Her story is called "The Heart Needed A Friend" (or something like that.  It changed a little with every telling….)

Saturday, December 7, 2013


Dani has a new word.


Imagine a teenager girl walking in on her parents kissing, rolls her eyes, and says "Awwkkwaardd."  If you have spent in time with middle school students, you are hearing it in your head right now.

I think Dani picked up this wonderful word from her cousin, one of the teenage girls mentioned above.

We tried to explain what awkward means: something strange or uncomfortable.

Dani: "Awwkwarrd." (when she gets a milk mustache at dinner time.

Dani:  "Awwkkwaard."  (when she gets in trouble for not finishing dinner)

Dani: "Awwkkwaard." (when she threw something away on accident)

Dani: "Awwkward." (when she falls off the couch because she was trying to climb behind me)

Dani: Awkward." (when she was pretending to measure how tall the chair was and dropped her measuring tape)

Dani: "Aaawkward."(when Frank Burns and Margret Hoolihan started making out on TV when Daddy was watching MASH)

Well, 1 in 6 isn't too bad.